Monday, February 26, 2007

Okay, I have to say it…

Jessica M should just shut up, or say “my child is still a toddler, so I guess when the time come’s I would…..”. I mean every time she guffaws at the foolishness of parents who would keep their kids home instead of shooing them off in -20 wind chills, or pooh-pooh parents that would shoot b-b’s into some slime trying to get it on with ones daughter instead of get him help, I just want to puke. Put down your Dr Spock book, turn off the Oprah, and just wait until you kid actually starts going through some of these things before you look down your nose at parents like me. For the record, I ever catch someone feeling up my kid they’ll be getting help all right, medical help.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Go ahead......enjoy!

Why? Just because....

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Oh teacher.....teacher!

So tell me, during next years school referendum, will we find out if our kids matter more to you than your pension, or your healthcare non-payins? Do you think the "taxpayers alliance against everything" is against band for our kids, or against the bloated administrative budget? Hum....

you know your getting old when...

One of your daughters rubs her fingers over your head, and sighs heavily –“ Owwww, I’m going to miss your hairrrrr.” - Harrumph!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Our Hero......?

How about this you morons, (Republican Party), how about instead of handing out awards and slapping each other on the back, you get out there and attack the Democratic policies. Instead of singing the praises of King Kramer, put him out there with a list of Democratic budget items for us to shoot down. Geez, you people think one small victory wins the war, congratulate yourselfs after the vote.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Just for the record...

I still say we sent the wrong guy. Lufter should be the one at Madison.

Flash in the pan

One of three things can happen when you get a “flash in the pan”.
- One, it flashes, it goes away, and you forget about it.
-Two, it flashes, a fire starts in the pan, you smother it with the lid, you talk about it for a little while, than you forget about it.
- Three, it flashes, a fire starts, the fire gets out of control, and all hell breaks loose.
Let’s hope for Wisconsin’s sake that option three is what happens for Bill Kramer and his “flash” in Doyle’s pan. My advice to Kramer, ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK! Attack the Dems, they are weaker than they appear, and attack the “good ol boy” Republicans as they try to smother your fire. DO NOT ALLOW THE FIRE TO GO OUT! You can either bask in the glory for the next 2 days, or you can take advantage of the opening to actually start a fire in the Republican Party. Don't wait for "permision". The Republicans don't know how to win, they think you have to "play nice" to get anywhere. (FOOLS). Right now, I see a real opportunity for active leadership change in Madison. And that type of change doesn’t happen by “playing nice”. Kramer can either allow himself to be forgotten in a few days, or use this “flash” in Doyle's pan to make a change not only in Madison, but in the Republican Party itself.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hay! Who said that?

Some interesting comments from last nights meeting. (we lost 9 to 24 by the way). Can you guess ‘who said that”? Paraphrased cause I didn't write it down last night (sorry)

1 - if you want efficiency, you turn into a dictatorship, look at Hitler, he was efficient..
2 - …sue Chris Lufter and the taxpayers league…(Spring City gives you that one)
3 - why would you want to change the status quo?
I know I missed a bunch.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

O-M-G Shut up and vote allready!

And here's the double edged that they know their being broadcast, will they ever just shut up and vote? From here on out, how many votes will be decided long before the meeting (as if that's not going on already), and how much discussion will be replaced by grandstanding? Oh well, turn on the radio kids, the shows on.

No more hiding - BOO YAH!!!

With the county board now on-line, there can be no more hiding by either side. Tonight's vote (discussion is happening right now) on Harandas "efficiency" front, clearly shows just who is "Conservative" and who ain't. Now these people will have to talk the talk during their "term", not just supposedly walk the walk during "door to door" at election time. I for one applaud the hook up. Now we can hear who's "Republican" during their term, and not just during elections.

The best intel is a direct line...

Waukesha County Board meetings are now available online! How soon before Doyle-I mean Dwer shuts it down "temporarily"?

Monday, February 12, 2007

A dispach from the War On Taxes battle front.

This, from the Tax Slayers hands, to you. (My first "bleg" - sort of)

"There are two meetings this week that would be really helpful if any of you could show up for a little while.

Tonight: City Hall, 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers-Water issues

Tomorrow Night: County Board Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Board Room Committee set up for downsized board. The Executive committee isn't listening to us peons that pay the bill."

Some hot points from a letter being given to all board members concerning tomorrows executive committee meeting:

"To date, Chairman Dwyer and the Executive Committee have refused to allow the voice of the county’s citizens to be heard by the full board, and we are now asking that each individual supervisor use their position to bring these matters before the board as a whole.

Additionally, it has been brought to our attention that at the next board meeting, Supervisor Harenda will be introducing three amendments; to maintain the current Waukesha County Code that each supervisor must serve on one standing committee; to reduce the standing committees from 7 to 5 people; and to merge Park and Land Use with Public Works."
Here's my question, will we be able to check the vote after all is said and done, and see just who can still claim the title "conservative", and who will proudly wear the moniker "Rino"?

Friday, February 09, 2007


Alas, the rabbit is finally caught. I think he'll sneak in somewhere soon. You just can't stop your creative juices. You can ignore them for awhile, but you just can't stop em. The next game, "where's Dennis", cause you know he's gotta do some venting in some form or another, sooner or later. Or am I just dreaming?

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Doyle - I mean Dwyer appoints "lefty" to supposedly "Right" board.

Spring City lets us know that "Smokin Joe" Vitale gets appointed to the county boards 24th seat. Well, so much for a "Conservative" board representing a "Conservative" county. Oh wait, don't tell me, let me guess, Smokin Joe's not a Socialist, he's a non-partisan. Hay Board members, if you want Smokin Joe's support for any increase in spending, just label it a caring, concerned, fair expenditure.

Monday, February 05, 2007


Tomorrow's windchill will be about 10 degrees warmer than today, and schools will be closed! WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TODAY?!?!?! Way to go Schmidt.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Lufter's letter

Fox Heads got Lufter's complete letter posted for those of you unlucky enough to only have access to the Journal. Good thing I didn't attempt it, could you imagine the butcher job I would have done with the spelling? Yeesh.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

"Equal time"?

Page 2 of today’s upcoming parent teacher conference announcement sent home with one of our kids is a letter from Superintendent David Schmidt. He gives 3(only 3) “causes” for needing budget cuts:
1 - State mandated revenue limits.
2 - Transportation cost increases.
3 - Utility increases.
4 - Increases in teacher benefit packages
5 - Increases in teacher pay. (raises for taking extra college courses)
6 - Teacher’s union’s refusal to put students needs before union teachers needs.
7-thru-70- Pretty much everything in Lufters letter in the Freeman today. (Sorry, I can’t seem to link it.)

Wait, that’s more than 3. Oh yea….. huh, Schmidt's fax machine must have blanked out the rest. Here’s my question, will the Taxpayers Alliance against Everything be allowed “equal access”? What do you say “smoking Joe”, is your pal Schmidt “fair” as well as “concerned”?