Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Kramers ego makes press again.

Sorry to see Spring city be in such a Crab monster mood, (even if it is a Tuesday) but he reminds me that Slick Willy just can't think too much of himself can he? My "advice", keep the county job, this will prevent Doyle - oops I mean Dwyer- from appionting a boot lick to fill the 24th seat, and allow a real republican to take over come election time.

17% increase in water bill, CRIPES!!!

It sounds large, because it is large, especially when you’ve got a lot more than 1.5 children to care for! Who’s to blame for this increase? NO, not Mayor Urkel. I blame Opel and Lombardi. It was under their “leadership” that all meetings on the Radium issue were kept secret, and the problem was allowed to hit a critical stage before real work was begun. Oh, and by the way, this is only the tip of the iceberg for the radium issue.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Good news everybody!

It's almost Friday!!!

Mayor Urkels brave new world.

No I will not quit (sorry, I can't seem to link todays Freemans "sound off" section) complaining about the Mayor. As long as I have a voice, and “the man” hasn’t’ shut me down, I will complain if and when I feel the need. When the powers that be manage to clip my wires in the name of a more “peaceful society”, than the complaining will end. Besides, isn’t it better to sound a cry of warning while you still can, than to mutter “I told you so” after the damage is done? So, the Mayor appears to be a liberal minded spend-aholic (cripes you can see the drool), and as long as I have access to the “return” button I’ll keep calling him that, thank you very much.

Our kids are worth the $

I keep hearing about the money being spent on getting rid of the teacher that downloaded porn on a school computer, and I have to say yes, it is worth the money to get rid of him. I just don’t understand the teacher’s union willingness to defend this guy. I mean we wouldn’t allow anything like that in our Waukesha schools would we? I mean if we knew that someone was..oh I don’t know.. let’s say caught in a hot tub with a bunch of teenage girls, or caught in a bathroom fondling some teen, we wouldn’t allow that type of person to have any type of contact with our teens even if he was “acquitted”, would we? I guess it would have to depend on what team he used to play for huh?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Are you thankful? I am.

I’m thankful for…
- My fully paid for (and undeserved) reservation into His Kingdom.
- My loving (and rest assured – forgiving) wife.
- My little sweethearts (monkeys that they are).
- The freedom to call a Rino a Rino, a liberal a liberal, and a friend a friend.
- The men and women who protect that freedom.
- And finally, that turkey induced nap which I sure do hope is coming, WOO-HOO!!!

Happy Turkey day Jar-heads.

If you’re able, take 5, and know that America is thankful for your time and service. Thank you.

And to all Bloggers

A happy thanksgiving my fellow vagrants

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

This from my 7th grader

"Hay! Hippie and commie make hypocrite!"........brings a tear to my eye.

Doggie fence?

Here's an idea, instead of spending cash on a
doggie fence why not spend the money on a fence to rangle up all the Rinos in Waukesha gov.? Talk about a good investment.

You know you're getting old

When your kids remember more of your favorite oldies than you do.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Why this years parade was OUTSTANDING!!!

1 -One of my own marched with the South Band, and I got to act like a hyperactive soccer mom and there was nothing she could do about it!
2 -No Mayoral appearance! (unless I just blacked him out- which is okay too)
3- The Business Districts “protest” parade! Well done!
4 -The South parents!!! I didn’t realize I was sitting in the “black shirts only” section until the Band marched by and the banner popped out. WELL DONE!
5 -The “craft fair” for the kiddies at the Waukesha Museum!
6 -The Racing Sausages! (But where the heck was Chorizo?)(Pronounced Cho-ree-so. Yes, roll the RRRRR)
7 -OH, and it was nice to see Lord Vador and Chewee still kicking it!

What’s the big deal?

Last week the county board voted to raise my property taxes, on average, about $42. So what’s the big deal? What’s $42? I’ll tell you what $42 is. Its two pair of shoes for my kids! Its two bags of groceries at Aldi’s! (Or ½ a bag at Pick n Save) Its one month of Naruto for the ol’ dad man and Sponge bob for the kiddos! It’s a house full of “Ponzo rattas” and fries on a Friday. Plus…. I thought republicans were against raising taxes, or is that only during the month before elections? (by the way, where was Slick Willy for this vote?)

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I'll be removing the "Waukesha Freeman Blog" from my links. Anyone who posts a "comment" also leaves a link to their e-mail address for others to track. No thanks.


If you get the chance make your way down to “Margaritas’” on the corner of Grand and Harrison, and order up yourself some soft shell “Lengua” tacos. FANTASTIC!!! (just do yourself a favor and don’t ask what lengua is until after you’ve tried it)

“A hunting we will go…”

Ah, the open woods, the smell of fresh cover scent all over your face, (deer urine if you can afford it), the feel of a fully loaded rife. Off in the distance the occasional sound of a new “grunt” call, and happy cries of “IF IT’S BROWN IT’S DOWN!!!”...................what?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Martinez named Republican Party Chair

Yup, Florida Sen. Mel Martinez (That’s Mar-teen-es, not Mar-tin-ez) And don’t forget to roll the “RRRRR”. ; I wonder, will he be a "blood and guts" type of leader, or will he prove to be another "lets play along to get along" mush mouth? Time will tell.

Monday, November 13, 2006

You know you’re getting old…

When you mistake a dab of toothpaste for more gray in your mustache.

Bills big question

Can he “do both jobs well?”, Sancho’s answer…Heck no, he can’t even do the one job well. But don’t worry Billy, sit on ol’ papa Dwyer’s lap and he’ll help you figure it out. A hint to Kramer, Dwyer (and his Rino cronies) want you to step aside so that Dwyer can have an appointee/lackey in place for the next election. Here’s the test to what I say, is Dwyer having a “conflict of interest” talk with Commings, or just you?


By “letting go” of Rummy, Bush showed his hand. The next two years will be filled with one major compromise after another after another. The GOP still doesn’t get it. These election loses were less about the war, and more about the GOP’s lack of aggressive leadership. Cripes, we were in charge, and we were acting like the hired help. So the answer to everyone’s question is – no, the GOP has not learned their lesson, they weren’t even in the right classroom.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Intel on "down load" 2006

While I wasn't on site, the underground managed some intel on the event. Something telling, Mayor Urkel equates the vote for the marriage amendment with the persecution of bi-racial marriages in the 60's. Typical liberal, blame setbacks to their social agenda on "hate".

Saturday, November 11, 2006

To the men and women who have, and are serving, thank you

Ladies and Gentlemen in green, have a beer on me. Check out the vid from Sgt Hook.

Friday, November 10, 2006


The snow is falling, the thunder is clapping, and the dems are in charge!!! Well, the snow and thunder aren't that bad actually.

Is my font getting bigger, or am I just happy to see you?

Well, while I am happy you're here, this font size is just easier on my eyes. Hope you don't mind.

Yesterdays problem child

I ran away from home one day. I don’t remember why, I just remember going. I lived on Beachwood back than, so the walk to the YMCA wasn’t a long one. Anyway when I got the “Y” I told someone (shepherd?) that I was running away, and asked if he could give me directions to phantom lake camp (I had just spent a week there). H was of course taken aback “you can’t run away to phantom” and I think he said something about calling someone, so I left. I had a feeling I might know the way, or at least I should be able get myself close, so I started walking. I made it as far as the corner of East and Broadway. (About two blocks) when a sheriff pulls up and asks me where I was going. “I’m running away to phantom lake” I tell him. He asked me if I knew how to get there, I said no, so he gave me a ride. When we got there, it wasn’t the way I had remembered it. There were no kids playing, no counselors doing their thing. Just empty “lodges” and a couple of grown ups. I remember talking with someone about making it on my own, that I thought I’d be okay, and I remember him telling me I could stay if “I earned my keep.” I said “I will”. Well, I didn’t quite know what “earn my keep” meant, but he soon began to show me. The work wasn’t brutal, it was just unending. By the end of the day. I found myself lying on a bunk, asking myself if this was what I really wanted. My spirit wasn’t broken, I was just hungry. So when the man from Phantom asked me if I really wanted to run away, I tiredly said “no, I want to go home”. I don’t remember how I got home, no one ever talked about it. I just remember the sheriff and the man from camp trying to teach me a lesson. I wonder what those hard nose, true blessing in disguise type of people that guided me that day must think of today’s “feelings are god” type of society. And if they ever realized that they touched at least one dumb kid’s precious life. Sometimes, our kids just need to learn a lesson.

Happy Birthday and Semper Fi Jarheads!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Another liberal Waukesha blog soon to appear!

Woo Hoo!!! Spring City reminds me that Mr Mayor will soon be online! NICE! Can't wait to see the taxpayer funded, liberally spun, "did I do that?" political endorsements. Don't get me wrong, everyone has a right to speak their mind, but not everyone is able to do it using taxpayer resources and get away with it. Or am I crazy? (Or should I just praise him and hope to make his "roll"?)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Board battle report

Mr Harenda's little offensive is moving along swimmingly. It seems many recent committee meetings have been "canceled" due to a lack of, a lack of, well....basically because their simply a waste of time. (Dang, too bad huh Rinos?) I'm not sure who's pushing the button on that, but it's about time. Too bad Dwyer wasn't up for re-election yesterday huh?

A little something from boot camp

QUIT YOUR WHINING, SUCK IT UP, AND MOVE OUT YOU PIGS!!! Okay, maybe "suck it up" is a little rough. Point is, the Republican party as a whole got what it deserved. Will the party leaders learn from this, or will they hide in the corner, lick their wounds, and cry "no fair". Let me ask you something. What the heck did you expect? The party left their foundation, and the walls have cracked. Get back to basics, and fight!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Kramer trying to buy election?

Mr Fletch seems to think that Kramer is trying to buy the election. My answer, of course he is. When your door to door scares more than helps, all you're hope has to lie in the money factor. Here's where Mr Don and the republican party steps in and saves the day. Well.... for Kramer anyway.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Expect flack gentlmen.

I can't help but expect flack from the liberals, be they media or pundit, on the outstanding photo. Since liberals already treat military personal like children, I'm sure they think we (still can't say they) should be seen and not heard.

Tuesday night election results.

I don't have any predictions, but you may refer to the "worm hole dispatch" for the results.

Kramers victory party.

It's going to be at country springs of course.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Where's the $50?

Want to know what happened with the $50 Mr james ? Schmuki used it to buy tacos. Schmuki's victory party will be at LaCasa's "cafe esperanza".

Thursday, November 02, 2006

There's more brown elephants than you may think.

Give us a little credit, most Hispanics are pro-life, would rather our children learn to work hard v.s. beg, and dream of owning our own business. If the republicans would address us as a potential growing voting block (oh wait, we are a growing voting block) and not like potential illegals, they would reap the benefits. (Ask Green). I'm just trying to understand why Latinos would vote for democrats. Government cheese isn't that great.


Thanks Spring City , I'm found slacking. Sorry I missed posting this. I read it first on Ol' Broads site but failed to spread the news.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

tees soldjurs kneed halp!

Funny! Check out the comments.