Thursday, February 01, 2007

"Equal time"?

Page 2 of today’s upcoming parent teacher conference announcement sent home with one of our kids is a letter from Superintendent David Schmidt. He gives 3(only 3) “causes” for needing budget cuts:
1 - State mandated revenue limits.
2 - Transportation cost increases.
3 - Utility increases.
4 - Increases in teacher benefit packages
5 - Increases in teacher pay. (raises for taking extra college courses)
6 - Teacher’s union’s refusal to put students needs before union teachers needs.
7-thru-70- Pretty much everything in Lufters letter in the Freeman today. (Sorry, I can’t seem to link it.)

Wait, that’s more than 3. Oh yea….. huh, Schmidt's fax machine must have blanked out the rest. Here’s my question, will the Taxpayers Alliance against Everything be allowed “equal access”? What do you say “smoking Joe”, is your pal Schmidt “fair” as well as “concerned”?

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