Friday, January 19, 2007

Asian Badger says HI!

The Asian Badger sets out the welcome mat for ol Sancho, and I thank him. His welcome forces me to answer some questions. Yup, I am a former Jarhead. Yup, I am a male. (unless the post makes alot of sense, than more than likely "lady" had something to do with it) Yup my fonts too big. (but my eyes don't mind - and I hope yours don't either.) And yup, I don't seem to post much. Mostly because I have WAY more than 1.5 kids, and I have to fight them off for whatever "board time"I can get. So to all of you, welcome, forgive the spelling, and thank you for your time.


Anonymous said...

The font works great for me. Wish I could make mine bigger. Ol' eyes and all! :)

I don't suppose you've considered beating off those rugrats with a stick, have you? LOL Ok, I'll behave. :)

Anonymous said...

Considered it?!? I've already broken all my sticks and they still rule "the board"!!!!