Saturday, October 13, 2007

Racist, or just trying to be funny?

I wonder what he was thinking when James titled his post "send'em back where they came from" . I hope he was just trying to be 'edgy or maybe funny, either way I say he failed. Any other time I've ever heard sentences of that type it was from some dumb racist, and I've typically been outnumbered in those situations, but what the heck, sometimes you just have to go down swinging. Now don't get me wrong, I know it's not illegal to be racist, just like I know it's not illegal to talk stupid. Now I'm not saying James is a racist, I don't know his heart, I'm just saying "send'em back" ticks me off, I've heard that type of thing before and it usually didn't end well for anyone.


James Wigderson said...

Since I was writing about Columbus landing in the New World and the Spanish Conquest, I was clearly being ironic.

Anonymous said...

Ironic you where. It was the post title that brought up some history. Usually when I've heard people say things like that it wasn't to get others thinking, it was to get others angry. I think that's the problem with todays "build a wall" talk, there needs to be a rethinking of the way the argument is presented, otherwise no matter how right you may be, the argument will always sound wrong. And in today's society it's all about how you sound, what you say.

David B said...

Come on Sancho. There is NO WAY that Wiggy would make a borderline offensive statement to get hits to his site.

See, I can do sarcasm also.

Anonymous said...

Irony, sarcasm...dude I'm gettin dizzy!