Saturday, March 10, 2007

Gang Bangin at the Library

The article in yesterday’s Freeman covering the large fight in the Libraries parking lot bothered me three ways.

  • First, of course, is that there was a “rumble” at a place I regularly take my kids.
  • Two was that it happened in the same parking lot the Waukesha Police Substation uses and that did'nt slow the punks down. (The red house is the substation).
  • Three is the adults in the story making excuses for these punks. Not having a place to hang out is no excuse for starting a rumble. (does anyone use that word anymore?)
  • Four (yea, I know I said three ways) and most importantly the words “Police ran the names…but arrested none of them” Why the heck not?


The Asian Badger said...

Hey Sancho...let's lock and load with a little air power and nip this thing in the bud. Plus, we can show that Squids and Jarheads CAN get along.

Whaddya think?

In the wild blue younder.\
The Asian Badgertju

Anonymous said...

You go high, I'll hang low...come zero dark thirty, they belong to us!