Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Apprenti 2 (a bit late)

It's been two days so most of the episode is less than a memory, but I'll try. The wrong person was fired! The project manager of the losing team should have been the one to go. She allowed the "squeaky wheel" to not only "get the grease", but to throw it on everyone in the room.
What was done right?
- Not much outside of one team won.

What was done wrong?
- Just about everyone on the losing team let their fear of being labeled a “hater” cause them to lose.

Lessen for me?
- Don’t allow whining, obnoxious, load and proud subcontractors kill the job.


Anonymous said...

LessOn not lessEn, Dad.

Anonymous said...

Thanks sweetheart, now go shovel the side walk!

Anonymous said...
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